ILF Basic Neurofeedback Courses

See previous courses

Neurofeedback ILF Basic Training

The aim of this course is to create specialists in Neurofeedback in Romania and access to Bee Medic systems. This course is aimed at health professionals and psychologists and psychotherapists who want to specialize in neurofeedback, in order to have a wider range of tools to help their patients. The duration of the course is 5 days, where the theoretical and practical bases are laid.

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September 2019 course - Predeal

The first basic Neurofeedback course in 2019 was a success.

Participants learned the basics of neurofeedback, but more importantly, they experienced themselves, their own brains.

In order to master the techniques taught, they worked in teams, under the observation of the trainers.

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Course July 2020

The first basic Neurofeedback course in 2019 was a success.

La curs au participat psihologi, psihoterapeuți …

Course July 2021

The first basic Neurofeedback course in 2019 was a success.

La curs au participat psihologi, psihoterapeuți …

Curs noiembrie 2022

The first basic Neurofeedback course in 2019 was a success.

La curs au participat psihologi, psihoterapeuți …

Neurofeedback is useful for any brain

Regardless of its current level of operation.