Meet the Founders
After a successful career in the finance department of Paramount Pictures in Hollywood, Florentina founded "Wellness of Leadership", a coaching and consulting company based in Los Angeles.
Florentina has innovated the personal injury industry in the USA by introducing wellness and neurofeedback coaching in the treatment plan of accident victims. He has worked with hundreds of people with anxiety, depression, chronic pain, inflammation, relationship issues, career transitions, culture shock, peak performance, using neuroscience techniques, positive psychology and holistic health.
Florentina is the founder of Empowered Women’s Salon, a global platform for personal development courses for successful women. He has won various Toastmasters International awards at public presentation competitions.
Due to the amazing results of neurofeedback, it was Florentina's dream to make this technology and courses available in Romania through a partnership with EEG Info.
Daniela este Trainer și Coordonator Programe de Cercetare în cadrul Neurofeedback România. Pasionată de educație și training, pe parcursul activității sale profesionale, Daniela a colaborat cu organizații nonguvernamentale, private (companii mici, mijlocii și mari) și publice pentru a aduce la dispoziția oamenilor din toate categoriile sociale servicii educaționale, atât formale, cât și nonformale, de cel mai înalt nivel.
De-a lungul timpului, Daniela a lucrat cu persoane din diferite categorii sociale și de vârstă (copii și tineri din medii defavorizate, vârstnici în situații de dificultate, persoane dependente de substanțe psihoactive etc.). În prezent, este și lector universitar în asistență socială și cercetător în cadrul Universității din București.
Daniela s-a alăturat Florentinei Alden la Neurofeedback România din dorința de a face accesibilă tuturor categoriilor sociale tehnologia de neurofeedback de ultimă oră, pentru tratarea afecțiunilor neuropsihice tot mai răspândite în societatea contemporană (autism, depresie, anxietate, ADHD etc.).
În mediul academic, Daniela desfășoară activități de predare și cercetare cu caracter interdisciplinar, concretizate în diferite lucrări științifice (articole, capitole și cărți) aflate la confluența dintre mai multe domenii (asistență socială, sociologie, psihologie, dezvoltare internațională). Printre ultimele ei publicații se numără:
- Gaba, D. (2021). Asistența Socială în sfera sănătății mintale: Aplicații ale Neurofeedback-ului. În D. Buzducea, Coord., Context social, cunoaștere și acțiune în asistență socială, București, Tritonic (p.91-142).
- Gaba, D. (2021). Neuroentrepreneurship and Neurofeedback for Managing Risks. Revista de Asistenta Sociala, XX(3): 99-109.
- Gaba, D. (2018). Social Work and International Development: Interconnections, Opportunities, and Challenges. Editura Tritonic, București
- Postdoctoral Fellow in Social Sciences, University of Bucharest
- PhD in Sociology, University of Bucharest
- Master in Social Development and Social Justice, St. John’s University, New York
- Master in Risk Groups and Social Support Services, University of Bucharest
- Bachelor's degree in Psychology, University of Bucharest
- Bachelor's Degree in Social Work, University of Bucharest
- Training EEG Info Neurofeedback, Hamburg
Raluca este Project Manager colaborator în cadrul Neurofeedback Romania. Cu o bogată experiență în organizarea de evenimente, Raluca contribuie activ la gestionarea aspectelor organizatorice esențiale desfășurării cu succes a cursurilor noastre de bază.
Prin prisma experienței sale îndelungate ca antrenor de educație fizică și sport, Raluca apreciază legătura fină dintre funcționarea mentală eficientă și activitatea fizică sănătoasă. Ea s-a alăturat echipei Neurofeedback Romania în anul 2019 din dorința de a-și aduce aportul la promovarea efectelor benefice ale neurofeedback-ului în viețile oamenilor.

Dr.Roxana Sasu
Dr. Roxana Sasu a urmat facultatea de medicină în București unde a obținut licența de la Facultatea de Medicina și Farmacie Carol Davila în 1999, urmata de stagiatura în Spitalul Clinic Fundeni, București. În 2007 a emigrat în SUA unde a avut primul contact cu domeniul neurofeedback-ului în 2008, când s-a alăturat echipei de clinicieni de la EEG Institute din Los Angeles, condusă de Susan Othmer.
In the clinic, Dr. Sasu used the Othmer method of neurofeedback to help patients with a wide variety of clinical presentations, from children with symptoms related to developmental disorders, to attachment problems at any age, anxiety and depression, addictions and recovery after strokes, and up to the complex symptoms in the context of post-traumatic stress disorder. In parallel with the clinical part, he continued the research and development work with Susan and Sigfried Othmer, thus contributing to the advancement of the method as well as the equipment used in the clinic.
În prezent, dr. Sasu este trainer internațional la EEG Info și își împarte timpul între pacienții din clinica privată din Los Angeles și cursurile introductive și avansate pe care le predă în SUA precum și în Europa. Cu o experiență vastă de peste 12 ani în neurofeedback, dr. Sasu oferă supervizare clinicienilor interesați în a-și avansa cunoștințele în practicarea metodei Othmer de neurofeedback (ILF) pe care a utilizat-o cu succes din 2008 până în prezent.
Dr. Sasu contributed two chapters to the publication "Restoring the Brain: Neurofeedback as an Integrative Approach to Health", originally published in 2015 and now in its second edition. At the Romania Neurofeedback Institute, Dr. Sasu is a member of the Advisory Board and Director of Clinical Supervision.
Daniela is a psychologist, social worker and PhD in sociology. She is a lecturer in social work and postdoctoral researcher at the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest.
Din 2018 este trainer certificat de EEG Info Europe și Coordonator Programe de Cercetare în cadrul Neurofeedback România.
Over time, Daniela has worked with persons from various social and age categories (at-risk children, youth and elderly, persons from disadvantaged contexts, persons that misuse drugs, etc.). Together with the Neurofeedback Romania team, Daniela actively contributed to the introduction of neurofeedback therapies on the Romanian market and to the creation of a community of neurofeedback practitioners at the national level.
În calitate de trainer certificat EEG Info Europe, Daniela organizează și ține împreună cu echipa Neurofeedback România cursuri de specializare în neurofeedback. Ea este bucuroasă că poate contribui la formarea specialiștilor în neurofeedback din țară și la generea de cercetări privind neurofeedback-ul pe populația din România.
His entire career is dedicated to the mission of creating the right framework for each person to find their resources and develop their full potential. Every person has the right and responsibility to find their own way to become fulfilled, balanced and committed.
He started his professional career in 2007 working with adults and children at the Alexandru Obregia Hospital and at the "Children in Difficulty Romania" Foundation. He founded the I.M.P.A.C.T. Association, through which he developed and implemented projects that improved the lifestyle of over 1500 children and families. He has experience in school counseling and runs personal development programs in the education system. He is currently collaborating with the Seeding Knowledge Foundation and the Mia’s Children Association on projects dedicated to children from disadvantaged backgrounds.
His specialization in the Othmer method allows him to use neurofeedback technology to help both children and adults improve their lives and successfully treat severe symptoms.
Adina has published two books: Train your mind with neurobics - Secrets of an always young brain and Accelerated learning techniques - Guide dedicated to the responsible parent and the efficient child, at Rentrop & Straton publishing house, Bucharest, 2017.
- Master in Psychodiagnosis and Psychotherapy, University of Bucharest
- Bachelor's degree in Psychology, University of Bucharest
- Training EEG Info Neurofeedback, Hamburg
- Free practice psychologist in clinical psychology, psychotherapy and psychological counseling
Gunilla Radu has been working since 2009 in Malmo, Sweden in her own neurofeedback practice, the Othmer method. After several years in Romania, where he studied and worked, he completed his bachelor's degree in physical education at the Babes-Bolyai Faculty in Cluj-Napoca in 1982. In Sweden he taught physical education at school for 20 years.
For the past 10 years, Gunilla has worked with hundreds of clients, children and adolescents with adjustment difficulties in the school environment caused by problems such as ADHD, nervous tics, anxiety, depression, difficulty concentrating. He also worked with adults with various problems, such as trauma, anxiety, which improved through neurofeedback. Gunilla is very interested in patients who have addictions in combination with trauma and nervous tics / Tourette.
As an EEG Info partner in Sweden and Norway, Gunilla has been facilitating for several years the basic and advanced neurofeedback courses of EEG Info Europe in Malmo, Sweden.
Due to her rich experience in neurofeedback and the fact that she speaks Romanian fluently, Gunilla collaborates with Neurofeedback Romania to co-facilitate courses within the country and will be able to guide discussion and question sessions in Romanian. Gunilla is available to provide ongoing support in Romanian for Romanian course graduates.
- 2009 Basic course NeurofeedBack, Norway
- 2010 Basic course Neurofeedback, Berg, Germany
- 2011 Advanced course Neurofeedback, Berg, Germany
- 2013 Advanced Neurofeedback Course, Los Angeles, USA
- 2013 Advanced Course in Neurofeedback, Berg, Germany
- 2016 Advanced Course in Neurofeedback, Berg, Germany
- 2018 Clinical summit online, Norway
- 2019 Advanced Neurofeedback Course, Berg, Germany
- 2019 Certification in the Othmer Method
Advisory Board
"I have always had a fascination with technology. I managed to survive in school thanks to my hobbies in the field of electronics and radio, after which I studied Electrical Engineering and Information Technology in Munich. Later, I completed a PhD in laser communications systems. My theoretical and practical findings on high-efficiency laser communications systems have since been used in the development of satellite laser terminals as the first high-speed commercial networks in orbit.
When I heard about neurofeedback, it immediately caught my attention. After some research I thought that if only ten percent of the claims in this area are true, I want to be part of it. So, I created a ‘landscape’ of the field, as I was used to as an analyst, and I discovered the Othmer couple and their successful practice in California, authorities in the field. The engineer is used to testing things. So, I attended a course, bought some equipment, and tried neurofeedback on a few people. Indeed, neurofeedback worked. I even managed to make a migraine go away. Convinced, I took responsibility for the development, qualification and regulatory approvals of the products for this group.
I am proud to be able to contribute to technologies that improve the health and well-being of many people. I was surprised to learn that one in ten people suffers from serious mental illness, rather than one in ten, as I initially thought. One in ten people is not able to live a normal, fulfilled life. The fact that our technology can help give these people a chance to live a balanced life motivates our team and partners to face technical challenges and develop solutions every day. The many positive responses from our clients and their patients constantly fuel our motivation. ”
- Owner / Chairman, BEE Group AG
- Co-founder / CEO, HBImed AG
- Founder of several companies that support the development, approval and distribution of advanced EEG tools.
- Head Technology Research Analyst, BT AG
- R&D Section Head, Contraves Space
- Associate Researcher, Rome Labs, AFRL, Rome, NY
- Associate Researcher, German Aerospace Center
- PhD in Electronic Engineering, DLR / Technical University, Munich
- Diploma: Dipl.-Ing.

Dr.Roxana Sasu
Dr. Roxana Sasu a urmat facultatea de medicină în București unde a obținut licența de la Facultatea de Medicina și Farmacie Carol Davila în 1999, urmata de stagiatura în Spitalul Clinic Fundeni, București. În 2007 a emigrat în SUA unde a avut primul contact cu domeniul neurofeedback-ului în 2008, când s-a alăturat echipei de clinicieni de la EEG Institute din Los Angeles, condusă de Susan Othmer.
In the clinic, Dr. Sasu used the Othmer method of neurofeedback to help patients with a wide variety of clinical presentations, from children with symptoms related to developmental disorders, to attachment problems at any age, anxiety and depression, addictions and recovery after strokes, and up to the complex symptoms in the context of post-traumatic stress disorder. In parallel with the clinical part, he continued the research and development work with Susan and Sigfried Othmer, thus contributing to the advancement of the method as well as the equipment used in the clinic.
Dr. Sasu is currently an international trainer at EEG Info and divides his time between private hospital patients in Los Angeles and the introductory and advanced courses he teaches in the United States and Europe. With over 12 years of extensive experience in neurofeedback, Dr. Sasu provides supervision to clinicians interested in advancing their knowledge in practicing the Othmer method of neurofeedback (ILF) which he has used successfully from 2008 to the present.
Dr. Sasu contributed two chapters to the publication "Restoring the Brain: Neurofeedback as an Integrative Approach to Health", originally published in 2015 and now in its second edition. At the Romania Neurofeedback Institute, Dr. Sasu is a member of the Advisory Board and Director of Clinical Supervision.

Dr.Victoria Ibric
Dr. Victoria Ibric is a certified clinician / instructor / mentor in Neurofeedback and Biofeedback.
Dr. Ibric graduated from the medical school in Bucharest, Romania and obtained his doctorate in both immunology and health psychology. After her arrival in the United States, she continued to work in cancer research, followed by neurology. While conducting research at the Institute of Virology in Bucharest, the Cancer Research Laboratory and the Children's Hospital of the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, her work involved exploring the origins of cancer induced by viruses or chemicals, as well as cancer prevention. use of vitamin C. and other antioxidants (Cancer Research).
Her research has also explored glial cell responses to oncogenes, various growth factors, and their involvement in causing seizures (Neurology Research). Her work in Neurofeedback has produced several scientific papers and book chapters.
About 28 years ago, Dr. Ibric became interested in self-regulatory responses to disease and was trained in General Biofeedback and EEG Biofeedback (Neurofeedback). ) and quantitative EEG by some of the leading scientists in the field of Neurophysiology and Neuropsychology.
She currently has a full-time practice in Pasadena at the Neurofeedback and NeuroRehab Institute, Inc., a consultant at UCLA Pain Medicine Center, Kaiser Permanente, Good Samaritan, Huntington Hospital and other private clinics.
She offers Biofeedback and Neurofeedback services for a variety of stress-related disorders and disorders, as well as maximum performance training. Since 1993, Dr. Ibric has had a high success rate (82%) using Neurofeedback training in patients with post-traumatic brain injury with chronic pain, sleep disorders, depression, anxiety, ADD / ADHD, Autism, addictions, tremor, and disorders. convulsive.
Dr. Ibric continuously applies his research experience while practicing Neurofeedback and actively presents the results of his work at professional conferences. The results of her work have been published in peer-reviewed journals and chapters in specialist books. She continues to be an enthusiastic advocate and active promoter of Biofeedback / Neurofeedback in the community and in national / international forums.

Today, the EEG Info brand means modern neurofeedback - especially ILF-, Alpha-Theta and synchronous neurofeedback - which is being taught and used successfully in practices, clinics and research worldwide.

Dedicated to providing mental health professionals with high quality neurofeedback systems and consumables and maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction by continuously providing and improving products and services.
Othmer method Neurofeedback course
Be among the first specialists in Neurofeedback in Romania!
Bee Medic complete systems
State-of-the-art German technology
About Neurofeedback
Beneficiaries, how it works, diseases treated